3 Lessons Learned by Not Winning a Podcast Award

Truth Behind Travel Podcast got shortlisted for an award hosted by The Skylark Collective, but these are 3 lessons I learned by Not winning the Podcast Award. The podcast award category was ‘Changing the World One Moment at A Time’ for which an extract of this episode with Jeff Fuchs was considered.
As Truth Behind Travel Podcast turns one year old next week, I reflect on a journey I never thought I would embark on and certainly not one I felt could be something I could make my voice heard with. Someone once said: there are no failures, only learning. So here are 3 lessons I learned by not winning the award.
Lesson 1 – Who am I really helping with my podcast?
With travel recovery in mind, each episode of the podcast would shine a light on a different aspect related to restoring travel confidence. Helping the industry to get back on its feet, refresh its marketing strategies and restart with a customer-oriented mindset.
Conversation after conversation I developed a personal interest in sustainability and responsible travel, however, I did not (yet) deepened my knowledge around what can really make an impact on the lives of people who have been affected by the lack of tourism.
Not winning this award showed me how much work is yet to be done about it on the podcast and triggered a series of ideas on how each episode could flag an issue we need to know about and carry on building a legacy of positive change.
Lesson 2 – How difficult could it be?!
My favorite Africa proverb says: If you want to go fast, go alone. But if you want to go far, go together. When I started Truth Behind Travel Podcast, I was used to self-learning. Video Editing, Photo Editing, Content Planning. All to support my work in hospitality marketing & communication.
With podcasting, I sort of started along the same line, thinking “How difficult could it be?!” investing in tools and what I needed to know to get the show started.
Not winning this award, proved me wrong. I recognized how much more work goes behind the scenes of quality production and despite being ultra-careful in ensuring a high-quality audio experience, podcast production is a whole different game. I salute you, podcast producers, you are my new heroes!
Lesson 3 – Impact and Quality Content
Last but not least, it is about the value that each listener takes away from each episode. I must say, I loved all my interviews, but I do recognize that in some I was more tuned in than in others, and I see that now. Focusing on delivering value is one thing, but doing so for the sake of covering topics and losing that deep connection to what lights up my heart, has had an impact and I am committed to reframing that.
Not winning this award has taught me that, on the podcast more than ever, I am committed to my core values to constantly and consistently deliver a quality podcasting experience to my audience.
Truth Behind Travel Podcast is growing and evolving, and I am very proud of how far it has come and the amazing speakers I have hosted. Each one of them has contributed with their insights and knowledge to take that extra step towards travel recovery and beyond.
Each episode is like a chapter of a new travel book we are writing together and I am grateful I get to do this every week and bring it to my audience with my core values at the helm. If you want to join me on this journey, subscribe to the podcast here.
I look forward to having more inspiring conversations and share them with you all.